Hey guys….today I am going to discuss on the topic that “why education is important for poor people”. It’s a serious issue for our co...

Why education is important for poor people?

Hey guys….today I am going to discuss on the topic that “why education is important for poor people”. It’s a serious issue for our country because most of the poor children don’t go to school and those who go does not get the proper facilities to study.

Education for poor people

Education is the backbone of every country. It helps in building a developed country from a developing/underdeveloped country. It does not give some talent to the people who get educated, it helps the person to know, how to use that talent. 

Today in India there are numerous number of children (especially girls) who had never gone to school in their life. Every person in a country must become educated, that’s why I had thought of a slogan “ Desh Padhao, Desh Badhao”. But the question here is that the families which can afford the schooling of their children can send them to schools, but the families which cannot afford, what about the children of those families? Will, they only pick garbage from roads or beg in front of people for money and food? When we will become that much adult just to understand a simple thing that 

“Children are meant to learn not to earn”

Education for poor people

Will those children will ever be able to go to schools? Will they be able to live a good life? Is there any future of those children?

The answer is yes, there is a bright future for these children but the thing is that we all have to push ourselves to do something for them. We cannot sit ideal, hoping and waiting that the government will do something for those children as we all know that “how much our government is concerned about these kinds of severe issues”.

Therefore for the sake of the future of poor children, we can perform our social duty by:-
  • ·         Teaching them.
  • ·         Opening small schools in villages or nearby to them.
  • ·         Help them in getting the admission in the schools under the quota system in which few seats are reserved for them.
  • ·         Giving them books to study.
  • ·         Spreading awareness about the importance of learning in a person’s life.
  • ·         Supporting the NGOs which are already working for this social cause.

Few lines on behalf of a poor child describing his/her feeling :

" हम भी है बच्चे, लेकिन ग़रीब 
Education for poor people
 हमे यहाँ कौन पढ़ाएगा 

 हम बैठे है ज़मीन पर, 
 हमे अपने पैरों पर कौन उठाएगा 
 लोग तो पहुँच चुके है चाँद तक, 
 लेकिन हमे चलना कौन सिखाएगा 

 माना मेहनत ज्यादा है, मंज़िल नहीं आसान 
 लेकिन क्या सिर्फ़ पैसा ही देश को आगे बढ़ाएगा 

 हम भी है बच्चे, लेकिन ग़रीब 
 हमे यहाँ कौन पढ़ाएगा "

“Education helps the society to develop and in return educated society only inspires the people to get educated”

Even in today’s world people think that only boys should study and girls should stay in the house and learn the work. I want to say something to those people who discriminate between boy and girl, they should keep in mind that “Making a boy educated will only educate a single person in the family but making a girl educated will educate the whole family”.

Generally, when we talk to poor people about the need of education and tell them to send their child to schools, people say that " ये पढ़-लिख कर कौनसा कलेक्टर बन जायेगा ", I just want to tell them that they all are surrounded by a misconception. Yes, your child can also become the collector and if not he/she will definitely become something else like a doctor, CA etc. etc.. It’s just we have to support and make our children educated.

Education for poor people

“We can earn money without education but we cannot earn the prosperity”

We cannot bring the change in one day. But if we want a change, then we have to change ourselves first. We all talk about the high illiteracy rate in India, but how many of us had stepped forward to reduce that rate? How much do we care about this alarming issue? I think, only a few of us and the rest of us only talk by sitting on comfortable sofas inside our houses. But as I said earlier, change will come only when we will change.

In India, it is said that a single child can either make the future of the whole family or totally destroy it. And the future builders of many families are in danger. Now it’s time to do something to save the future of those families as well as of our country.

We all should keep in mind that
 “Children only are the future of a country”.


  1. I agree, each and every child(especially poor children) must be supported to get education for a better future of our country.

    1. Yes, they only are the future of our country.

  2. Yes, they are upcoming stars....
